Tips And Tricks To Stop Smoking Easy And Fast

You have to know that giving up smoking is not easy at the first stages, as you might feel headache or strong desire for smoking again. But the good news that these symptoms come down after two or three weeks though it might last for a longer time.

If you decided to give up smoking, here are some golden advices to help you:

    1- Select a plan
If you made a decision to stop smoking but you don't select a plan yet, you should follow these advices;
Think about troubles you may exposure to, give your self award for each step you pass and then select your personal plan.

2- You have to know why you want to do that.
If you want to give up smoking just because it is a bad for you, you have to know that it is not adequate reason.
To give up smoking; you have to select a strong personal reason to motivate yourself, for example; think about the bad effect on your family , think about lung cancer or you can think that you will be more youthful.
You are going to improve your life, so you should know the suitable reason which helps you to do that.

3- Don't give up smoking abruptly:
It is not easy to give up smoking abruptly. About 95% of people who tried abruptly to stop smoking are failed. This is owing to spreading of nicotine through brain

4- Try to use replacement therapy for nicotine
When you stop smoking, the absence of nicotine may lead to frustration, Depression, Dyspnea or nervous.
So using nicotine replacement for therapy reduces that feeling.
A studies show that using the nicotine gum or Plasters helps you to stop smoking, while using them during smoking is not recommended.

5- Consult your doctor about the therapy
Ask your doctor about Prescriptions to relieve the impact of nicotine withdrawal without using products containing nicotine.
There are drugs can effect on the chemicals of brain so this lead to making smoking uncomfortable. Other drugs can help in reducing the feeling of depression or lack of focus.

6- Ask for a support
You can ask your friends, family or join supporting group to encourage you.

7- Control tension and stress
People use nicotine to relax, so they need a replacement way for relaxation instead of it.
Try to hear some music, doing massage, doing yoga and avoid tension to get relax through the first weeks of the program.

8- Avoid smoking stimulators
Some activities may stimulate your desire for smoking. For examples
If you drink coffee you should replace it with tea
If you usually smoke after a meal you should try doing something else such as brushing teeth or chewing gum.
Also you have to know that alcohols are one of the most common stimulators for smoking.

9- Clean your house
Once you smoke your last cigarette, you have to throw out and erase any thing belongs to it.

10- Try over and over
If you failed – it is common – you have to try over and over. You have to evaluate the reasons which lead to that failure and try to pass it at the next time.

11- Get a new hobby

12- Make physical effort as it helps you to get rid of nicotine besides helping you to loss some calories.

13- Eat fruits and vegetables
It is not recommended to fellow a diet while you are trying to give up smoking, instead of this try to eat more fruits and vegetables where it provides you with nutrients required for fighting diseases.

14- Prize your self
Giving up smoking save a lot of money, so prize your self by buying something useful.

12- Do that for your health
Your health is the best prize where stopping smoking lead to decreasing your blood pressure, CO in blood returns to their normal levels after one day.
After 2 weeks – 3 months, the possibility of heart attacks is decreased, your lung do their function in better way, decreases the possibility of  colonies heart disease, brain stroke, cancer of lung and other cancerous types.

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