Permanent Hair Removal Methods For Women, Laser, Natural And Others

There are many ways of hair removal; some ways are permanently which last for along time and some are temporary where the hair returns again.

Hair removal is done by many ways:
* Natural ways such as; using the sweetness.
* Chemical ways such as; using hair removal cream.
* Mechanical ways such as; using the plucking machine.
* Semi-surgical ways such as; hair removal by laser.

Each one of the last ways has features and defects:

* Sweetness
It has many features as it eliminate the hair from the roots, remove the outer dead layers of skin and it delay the re-growth of the hair comparing to other ways. But it have defects as it is largely painful, it temporary loses the sense of the skin, causes slightly sagging skin at future as well as the hair returns again but after a while.

* Chemical creams
The creams Characterized by fastness, easiness and causes no pain. But some woman have a sensitivity of some chemical components, also the hair growing up faster as it not removed from the roots.

* The plucking machine
This way is a quite good way, it eliminates the hair from their roots like the sweetness, besides this way is one of the easiest ways of hair removal and can be carried anywhere, also this way is a suitable one in critical condition. But it has defect as the hair returns become more intense.

* Laser
It eliminates the hair for ever consequently helps woman to get rid of fatigue and periodic removal. But this way has many defects such as:
1- The mechanism of hair removal is burning each hair bulb which may causes scars.
2- The way can't uses widely as it dealing with the hair bulb one by one , so it focus on eyebrow region.
3- Laser if not done by specialists may lead to return the hair again.

The natural way which leads to permanently removal of hair is unknown yet.
Generally, natural ways is a safely ways to use and to try use natural sweet as it is the most safely way for hair removal.

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