What can hurt your nails and how to overcome

1. Brittle nails:
Nails brittle, peeling nails are very common due to excessive drying of the nail plate. Nail plate is made up of fat and water together with natural glue holding dead skin cells. Any loss of fat and water, leading to cell separation and stripping nails brittle and results.
A: Many of our family cause nails brittle nails to remove natural oils, so I do not wear gloves.
B. nail polish remover is dehydration. If you have brittle nails, nail polish removal to avoid too frequent. You can use a colorless primer or paint, or Poland, so that you can touch it, because it pleased, without having to use very often remover.
C. nails around the base of a regular massage cream, brittle nails can have a good effect.
2. Hangnails: Hangnails nailfolds layer of the stratum corneum of the skin tear. Cuticle and nail folds have a tendency to adhere to the nail plate, its growth; stretched cuticle may eventually tear. Nail fold of skin, sometimes cracks, especially if dry. Nervous habits, biting, chewing nails, cuticle picking to encourage the development of hangnails.
A: To avoid this, keep soft cuticle massage cream, and regularly loose from the nail plate.
B. clip off existing hangnails.
C. to avoid the brace, because it may be very painful and can even lead to nailfolds infection.
3. The growth of toenails: If the nail is not cut correctly, it penetrated into the nail fold, causing redness, swelling and pain.
A. Do not cut them too short ™ t;
B. Don 'T to cut nails on one side;
C. Always follow the shape of the toes;
D. Once the pain has begun to try to push the skin, ranging from the sharp edge of the nail fold.
4. Nail fungal infections fungal nail infections, they can easily become thickened, breaking and discoloured.Fungal infection treatment, griseofulvin, ketoconazole was slightly more severe infection and type, but let your doctor treat you.

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