care and cure your ear pains

Rarely more than one young child pain earache pain. After the common cold, ear infections are the most common childhood diseases, children will experience three or four ear infections in their third birthday.

Ear has three parts: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear, Rice explained. Collection of sound, the ear, including the head and other parts of the ear canal. In the ear canal, eardrum, the organization the size of a small circle fingertip. Is behind the eardrum, which is usually air-filled middle ear. When the tympanic membrane vibration in the voice of the middle ear ossicles of the inner ear, the sound signal to the brain's neurotransmitters.


, "Rice said:" You can keep your child away from cigarette smoke and sick playmates avoid middle ear infection. Studies have shown that inhalation of tobacco smoke in children have a healthy development, including a higher risk of ear infections.

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